orange Orange exhibition
*Find more about orange Orange project linked here. (poster cr. Ringo Lo)
The word 'orange' has two distinct yet synchronic meanings in English - orange refers to both the fruit and the color. Two meanings are closely linked because the color of an orange fruit is orange while orange reflects itself as its color. Which came first, the color orange or the fruit? And why was the orange named after its own color, while a banana was not called 'yellow.'
orange Orange is an art exhibition which questions the notion of socially engaged art and community art in Hong Kong by introducing co-creation frameworks that involve the community in the art-making process. The show features the works of artists from Ipseng and Gabby & Darren, as well as the dialogue documentation and the collaborative process of participants from 1a Lab's Collage City who worked closely with these artists.
By involving the community in the creation of art, orange Orange creates a platform to think about mutual learning and shared experience in studio teaching. It highlights the ways in shared decision-making and yields effective outcomes. 'Effective' in this sense refers to the creation of a space where people - funding bodies, curators, working staffs, artists, workshop participants, exhibition viewers, and everyday people - can be connected, cared for, and have fun.
To curate a show with diverse works like this, is a little bit like dealing with oranges and bananas. Some of the messages are easy to read, others need to get decoded. Artists follow different strategies as the participants look at works of art with diverse backgrounds and experiences. orange Orange wants to invite all of us to leave the limits of ours.
In Iris's work, it lies a curiosity to grope as a flaneur does.
In Mui's work, it lies a vitality nearing the animism of ancients.
In Ringo's work, it lies a super-encounterer to cultivate serendipity.
In Puiyi's work, it lies a momentum arrested by matter ready to bounce.
In Yumi's work, it lies a mastery of navigating unseen forces in a volatile world.
In Issac's work, it lies an innate aptitude to imbue old wounds with an enlivening vitality.
In Igor's work, it lies an illumination of the psyche exposing the workings of oppressive forces.
orange Orange invites artists and participants as equal co-authors to overcome the deadlocked boundaries of our thinking in order to sharpen our perception together. Only through new ways of seeing can the works of art experience new, unusual interpretations and inspire artists to create new works. This is the only way bananas can turn orange.
April 2023 by Debe
orange Orange exhibition
*更多關於 orange Orange 項目項目的資訊請見鏈接。(海報設計:Ringo Lo)
orange Orange 是一個以共同創作為框架的藝術展覽,透過社區參與創作藝術的過程,去叩問香港社會參與式藝術及社區藝術的本質。展覽展出來自藝團「業生」及「雞髀打人」藝術家們的作品,以及與他們緊密合作,來自1a Lab主辦的 Collage City中的參加者的對談紀錄及協作過程展現。
通過讓社區參與藝術創作,orange Orange建立了一個去思考有關於工作室教學中互相學習及共享經驗的平台。這個平台強調共同決策會產生有效的結果。在這個層面上,「有效」是指去建立一個空間讓人—資助者、策展人、工作人員、藝術家、工作坊參與者、展覽觀眾和日常生活中的人們—可以互相連繫、感到關懷及享受作樂。
去策劃一個作品如此多元化的展覽,有點像處理橙和香蕉。有些作品的訊息容易明白,有些卻需要被加以詮釋。當參加者觀賞帶有不同背景及經驗的藝術作品時,藝術家亦採取不同的策略。orange Orange 希望邀請每一位去超越我們的界限。
orange Orange 邀請藝術家及參加者,以平等的共同創作者身份去打破舊有思維的疆界,以提高我們的感知力。只有透過新的視點,方可獲得全新的藝術體驗,作出非一般的闡述及啟發藝術家創造新的作品。這是將香蕉變成橙的唯一方法。
2023 年 4 月 岑愷怡字
Collage City Docent Training Progame 2022 -2023
*Find more about Collage City Docent Training Progame. (design cr. 1a space)
Support by 1a space and Art Development Council's support, Collage City was a docent-training program from December 2022 to June 2023.